Any Kitchen Will Do

Give me a kitchen and I will cook.

I Love You Cake

flourless chocolate cake with chocolate cream

Little B loves parties, especially birthday parties. We never have enough reasons to have a cake or open presents. Pretty much every day one toy or person gets a ‘birthday party’, usually involving an intricately constructed tower out of blocks, wrapped in a bath towel and proudly presented. When an already made muffin or cookie will not suffice as the birthday cake, we will make what Little B calls an I Love You Cake. She calls it that because it is made with love and shared with people we love. If we don’t love someone they cannot have any. Her description. I would not necessarily deprive a person of cake if I felt no love for them, but the size of this cake makes it a non-issue most of the time. There is more to making the cake than just having a good dessert. I have learned over time that Little B often wants to do things over and over to practice new skills, and to do so the process does not have to be big or intricate. This cake is perfect – no wheat, no sugar, just the right size to not have leftovers and it gets cooked in the microwave. For today’s cake Little B enjoyed mixing the ingredients with her whisk ‘until it all looked the same’ and concentrated fully on covering with frosting ‘so the whole cake is a secret underneath’. She has really been on a kick to do more frosting practice, as you may remember from the strawberry cupcakes made a while back. I adapted this recipe from Ally over at This Equals Everything. The cake was a lovely, light dessert after feasting on some white pizza we also made together, and she even let Big D help!

I Love You Cake

1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon heavy cream
1 tablespoon butter, softened
2 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons granular erythritol (I used Truvia)
10 drops liquid stevia
1 teaspoon baking powder

Chocolate Whipped Frosting
½ cup heavy whipping cream
2 tsp granular erythritol
1 Tbsp cocoa powder

Spray a 2-cup measuring cup or small bowl with cooking spray. Add the egg and beat it with a fork. Add the remaining ingredients and whisk until a smooth batter forms. Microwave on HIGH 45-75  seconds or until it puffs up and no longer looks wet in the center. Let it sit for a few minutes, then pop it into the freezer for about five minutes – when you take it out gently coax the cake from the container, which should come out smoothly. While the cake cools make the frosting. For the frosting put the cream, Truvia and cocoa in a tall sided bowl or container. Whip for about 20 seconds with a hand mixer or stick blender until stiff peaks form. Spread the cake with chocolate whipped frosting to cover the whole thing, or simply a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.

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